cloud 9 tubs

SERVING New hampshire  Southern Maine

Frequently asked questions

  • Do you provide free estimates?

    Yes, we provide no obligation free estimates.

  • How long is your estimate good for?

    All our estimates are good for one year.

  • How long does a bathtub or shower installation take?

    Typically all new bathtub and shower installations and conversions can be completed within one day.

  • Do you have insurance?

    Yes we are fully insured and carry all required licenses.

  • Does your estimates include all labor and material?

    Yes, we pride ourselves on transparency to ensure our customers have no surprises.

  • Does your estimate include disposal?

    Yes, we will dispose of your old shower or bathtub and any other associated debris that needs to be removed in the process of the tub or shower replacement.

  • Do you offer financing?

    Yes we provide low and flexible monthly payment options on all of our bathtubs and showers.

  • Do you ever go over or refinish an existing tub?

    No, we always remove old bathtubs and or showers and replace them with a new product.

  • Does your estimate include the plumbing as well?

    Yes, we provide everything that is needed to complete your bathtub or shower installation.

  • Do you have a warranty?

    Yes, we guarantee our labor and our products come with a lifetime warranty.


As a local small business, we are proud to serve the New Hampshire and Southern Maine community. Our expertise allows us to offer solutions tailored to the needs of our fellow residents. Whether you are upgrading your existing bathtub or preparing for future accessibility needs, please know that we are here to help.

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